There are several unknown details regarding the lineage of Lu Shui-Tian’s Ba Gua Zhang. When Master Park asked Lu Shui-Tian about his lineage, Lu Shui-Tian explained to him that Ba Gua Zhang existed before Dong Hai-Chuan. He explained that primarily from Li Qing-Wu, who was from a secret Ba Gua Zhang lineage separate from Dong Hai-Chuan.
After Li Qing-Wu passed away, Lu Shui-Tian met Wang Dou and learned some of Dong Hai-Chuan’s method from him. However, because he learned primarily from Li Qing-Wu, Lu Shui-Tian chose to trace his lineage from Li Qing-Wu and not Dong Hai-Chuan. The lineage history that he described to Park Bok-Nam is provided below. Unfortunately, Lu Shui-Tian passed away before he had the chance to provide Master Park with any additional details.

Below is a chart with the lineage of Lu Shui-Tian’s Ba Gua Zhang. A number of individuals in Korea are shown on this chart. Lu Shu-De was the son of Lu Shui-Tian. Liu Shin-Hua taught 1 student, Pu Shu-Hsin, Pu Shu-Hsin has established a museum in Incheon on the life and history of Lu Shui-Tian and his Ba Gua Zhang. Jeon Dae-Sung left Lu Shui-Tian and taught for a relatively short time, less than 3 years. During this brief period, he taught Kim Sang-Ho. Kim Sang-Ho subsequently taught Jang Jung-Geun, and Jang Jung-Geun subsequently taught Noh Sae-Joon.