Resources Articles
Bok-Nam Park’s approach to developing a Ba Gua Zhang student is similar to that of an engineer creating a high performance engine. Each part and sub-assembly of the engine is researched and designed to high standards of precision and performance.
In Ba Gua Zhang, it is recognized that there is an important connection between the mind and body that must not be ignored. The active and focused participation of the mind is considered to be a significant and necessary element in any skilled exercise practice.
by Dan Miller [Adapted and re-edited by F. Hriadil] In the traditional method of Lu Shui-Tian as taught by Master Bok-Nam Park, all students begin their circle walking training with […]
by Dan Miller [Adapted and re-edited by F. Hriadil] Everyone who has ever practiced Ba Gua Zhang has been given the lecture about the importance of the Circle Walking practice. […]
by Glen Moore [Edited by R. Mattera and F. Hriadil] The young disciple had looked for years to find a martial arts Master for himself. His father, who had studied […]
The Focus of Master Bok-Nam Park. “History does not make progress, students need to learn principles” – this was Master Bok-Nam Park’s response when I first approached him in 1991 to be interviewed for the Pa Kua Chang newsletter/journal.
by Francis Hriadil As students of the martial arts, we are all engaged in a quest for knowledge and truth. No matter what style or system we practice, we all […]
Lu Shui-Tian often compared a martial art method/technique to a tree bearing fruit. "In order for a tree to bear fruit, it must first have a good root and a good branch -- only then will good fruit be produced." Similarly, for a martial art method/technique to be good, the body must have a good step and a good hand.
by Francis Hriadil One of the most prominent and recognizable aspects of Baguazhang (八卦掌, bāguàzhǎng) practice is Circle Walking. It forms a fundamental part of Bagua methodology and training. Why does Bagua have Circle Walking? Why […]
Many years ago, I injured an ankle during a sparring session and the result was a significant ankle sprain with associated swelling. When I was able to resume my training in Qiang Shan Ba Gua Zhang after the swelling decreased, I recall feeling as though my ankle had become “stuck” during certain stances which included Dragon Stance. That stuck feeling was accompanied by a pinching, which was explained to me by a physical therapist to be an impingement of my Peroneus Tertius muscle and the surrounding fascia (in other words, the outer area of the foot and ankle joint).
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Bok-Nam Park’s approach to developing a Ba Gua Zhang student is similar to that of an engineer creating a high performance engine. Each part and sub-assembly of the engine is researched and designed to high standards of precision and performance.

In Ba Gua Zhang, it is recognized that there is an important connection between the mind and body that must not be ignored. The active and focused participation of the mind is considered to be a significant and necessary element in any skilled exercise practice.

by Dan Miller [Adapted and re-edited by F. Hriadil] In the traditional method of Lu Shui-Tian as taught by Master Bok-Nam Park, all students begin their circle walking training with […]

by Dan Miller [Adapted and re-edited by F. Hriadil] Everyone who has ever practiced Ba Gua Zhang has been given the lecture about the importance of the Circle Walking practice. […]

by Glen Moore [Edited by R. Mattera and F. Hriadil] The young disciple had looked for years to find a martial arts Master for himself. His father, who had studied […]

The Focus of Master Bok-Nam Park. “History does not make progress, students need to learn principles” – this was Master Bok-Nam Park’s response when I first approached him in 1991 to be interviewed for the Pa Kua Chang newsletter/journal.

by Francis Hriadil As students of the martial arts, we are all engaged in a quest for knowledge and truth. No matter what style or system we practice, we all […]

Lu Shui-Tian often compared a martial art method/technique to a tree bearing fruit. "In order for a tree to bear fruit, it must first have a good root and a good branch -- only then will good fruit be produced." Similarly, for a martial art method/technique to be good, the body must have a good step and a good hand.

by Francis Hriadil One of the most prominent and recognizable aspects of Baguazhang (八卦掌, bāguàzhǎng) practice is Circle Walking. It forms a fundamental part of Bagua methodology and training. Why does Bagua have Circle Walking? Why […]

Many years ago, I injured an ankle during a sparring session and the result was a significant ankle sprain with associated swelling. When I was able to resume my training in Qiang Shan Ba Gua Zhang after the swelling decreased, I recall feeling as though my ankle had become “stuck” during certain stances which included Dragon Stance. That stuck feeling was accompanied by a pinching, which was explained to me by a physical therapist to be an impingement of my Peroneus Tertius muscle and the surrounding fascia (in other words, the outer area of the foot and ankle joint).
Looking for an article from our previous site? We may have not moved it over yet. In the meantime, you can visit our article archive at www.pa-kua.com.